Håvard Homstvedt
The Shaded Bank / New paintings and sculptures
November 22 – December 13, 2014, Oslo

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Knotted reasons form the thing

Soft skin grated on coarse sand

And jagged stone edges

In purple colored doubt

The view-

A shallow vessel in hanging rain

An unwieldy cloth

The embarrassing space of an open fold

A nauseating gold

Reveals the weather patterns within.

There are few men here. Or, if they are here, their appearance are lady-like. Here are arm wrestling girls in the sunset. The coarse and massive sun is pressed up against their soft surface. There’s a seated woman wearing a crown of swarming, flickering, lights. She is cloaked in a towel draining colors onto her skin. The landscape she is wearing is pouring out onto the drab surroundings. A couple is in a soft embrace. There’s a beach hat with a colored brim framing the face within. Soft pebbles are everywhere, pressing up against cool skin.

Stones as fragments or as complete entities as in a modernist microcosm containing all in itself; the part that shows the whole, or the part, period. Either way you look at it, at hand are some humanoid, self contained, rocks. Their eyes are closed with an inward gaze. Their surface mimic stone, camouflaging the bronze. In a play on expectations of the sculpted form, they are either revealing the form within the material, or wrapping it up to be something else. Furthermore, the sculptures includes an artificial light source, subverting the non-functionality of the quintessential sculptural object.

Opening reception November 22 from 12 to 4 pm

Exhibited works

Installation views